Friday 30 September was the last day to apply for the Change2Twin Assessment Voucher. After the deadline, we have counted 35 eligible applications from manufacturing SMEs which are eager to get ready for a digital twin. We received applications from 13 countries, and we are glad to see a good balance of new and experienced Digital Innovation Hubs involved. Fingers crossed to all applicants!

Most applications were submitted from Turkey (7), followed by Austria (5), Ireland and Italy (4 each). In addition to the previous open call, we were able to extend our geographical outreach to new countries, like Greece, Malta, Norway, Turkey, Slovakia, Lithuania and Ukraine. We are also happy to see cross-border cooperations between companies and DIHs from different countries.
Among the Digital Innovation Hubs involved in submitting proposals we can see some of the experienced ones which successfully carried out assessments in the previous round, such as IS4PROD from Ireland, LCM from Austria, Bi-Rex from Italy and DIH for Smart Manufacturing from Slovenia. But we also have many newcomers DIHs, which were certified for the Change2Twin assessment earlier this year and succeeded in reaching out to local SMEs.
This week we have started formal checks and shortly all eligible applications will enter the external expert evaluation process. Each application will be evaluated by at least two evaluators and the best ones will be recommended for funding. The successful candidates will be invited to sign the funding contract with the Change2Twin consortium after they have passed the necessary legal checks. Up to 30 selected beneficiaries are expected to start working with the Digital Innovation Hub of their choice and receive a detailed assessment of their situation along with up to 10 000 Euro funding.
We keep our fingers crossed that YOUR project wins!
Further reading: