Harness the Power of Digital Twins: attend our webinars!

We are excited to announce two upcoming webinars that will provide invaluable insight into the power of digital twins.

These webinars are perfect for those who have recently acquired an Assessment Voucher from Change2Twin and intend to apply for the Deployment Voucher. But are open to everyone interested in the topic.

On 16 February 2023, we will be hosting a webinar on Harnessing the Power of Digital Twins. This webinar will provide an overview of digital twins, the benefits they offer, and the potential impact of implementing digital twin technology in your organization. During the webinar, we will explain the application process for the current open call, the benefits of the program, and you will have the opportunity to ask your questions at the end.

On 3 February 2023, Change2Twin Ambassador Josué Iglesias is hosting an exciting webtalk “Building digital twins with Change2Twin: Technologies and Funding Opportunities” with David Arias who is a founder and startup & funding advisor. Josué and David will discuss the potential of digital twins for small manufacturing companies. They will take a closer look at the enabling technologies and funding opportunities

We highly encourage everyone interested in the power of digital twins to attend these webinars. Our experts will be on hand to answer any questions and provide valuable advice. So don’t miss out and join us on the 3rd and 16th of February!